Social Events
Retiree Connections
Retiree Connections
Social Events
The Medtronic VSP Retiree Group strives to arrange social activities each year for members and significant others to enjoy and help to stay in contact. The Annual Membership Luncheon is a particularly good event to reconnect with retirees. Here is the typical annual Social Events plan:
Go to CONTACT US to give suggestions for events.
The Medtronic VSP Retiree Group strives to arrange social activities each year for members and significant others to enjoy and help to stay in contact. The Annual Membership Luncheon is a particularly good event to reconnect with retirees. Here is the typical annual Social Events plan:
- Winter Play and Luncheon (Jan)
- Annual Membership Luncheon (May)
- Twins Ball Game (July)
- Summer Ice Cream Social (Aug)
- Fall Excursion (Oct)
- Holiday Social (Dec)
Go to CONTACT US to give suggestions for events.
Retiree Connections
The Medtronic VSP Retiree Group strives to help retirees stay connected to each other. When requested in writing, we will email your contact information (your message, email address, postal address, and/or phone number) to another member. Go to CONTACT US to request this action. Note, our VSP members list does not include all retirees and alumni, and not all members regularly use email.
The Medtronic VSP Retiree Group strives to help retirees stay connected to each other. When requested in writing, we will email your contact information (your message, email address, postal address, and/or phone number) to another member. Go to CONTACT US to request this action. Note, our VSP members list does not include all retirees and alumni, and not all members regularly use email.